Friday, July 18, 2008

The Other Side....

The night after the governor's PR posters went up in the zocalo, we heard cuetes for another calenda.This one was different from the other that we had posted.Yes, there was a banda de musica yes,there were dancing monos. However, when we got to the zocalo, we saw that all of the pretty posters were taken down and replaced by this graffiti to promote "the other Guelaguetza" of the teachers and APPO and to raise tourist awareness of the ongoing lucha (fight) for human rights in Oaxaca . Loosely translated and interpreted , APPO is the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca- a group that was formed during the 2006 conflict, a group to promote the popular opinion and to help the general population.

The next day, ALL of this graffiti was painted over- gone!
Today, I found out that some of Sebastian's aunts were part of that calenda.

There is a very powerful exhibition now at the Centro Fotografico Manuel Alvarez Bravo that includes photographs and video documentaries of the 2006 conflict. you can check out their blog- even if you cannot read Spanish, the photographs speak volumes.

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