Sunday, July 13, 2008

Busy Weekend...part one

Sebastian and I had quite the busy family weekend.
Saturday we went with his tias (aunts) Lena and Vero (in pink) and Vero's husband,Saahid on an incredibly dizzying ride way,way up into the Sierra mountains to a very unique restaurant.
The specialty is trout and you "catch" your own meal.There are concrete ponds full of trout and you fish them out with a colander from a large net of choices.Saahid did the honors...
Sebastian and I had our trout grilled and of course, they bring out the entire fish.Seb delighted in picking out the fish's eyeball.
The view was amazing- we watched the rain clouds engulf the mountains and then within in minutes, wisp away!
We returned to Aubelita's (Grandma's) house. There, Sebastian watched TV with his primos (boy cousins) and then played the WII(God help me, it's inescapable, even here!).I chatted with a gaggle of "grown-up" female relatives while the younger girl cousins ran in and out of the room playing princessa and mesera (waitress) with miniature dishes.Fernando and assorted "grown-up" male relatives wander in and out of the conversations.It is quite the lively house !
Fernando's family is down to one dog (they used to have three!)However, about eight cats live on their roof.There is a plank from the roof to the side garden and the cats descend in the evening to get fed.
We got a photo of this one doing a balancing act on the side yard gate as we were leaving!


Tim C said...

Your weekend was far more exciting than ours, guys. I've had excellent trout before, but probably never one quite as fresh as yours.

Ben and Halden brought baby James over for champagne and dessert (James declined both) Saturday evening. Somehow we managed not to take any pictures, but we both got to hold him for a while . . . . Cats are far more interesting!

Looking forward to more exciting blog entries from you both!


Bridget said...

Hm. I would have had to have a salad. I'd feel too bad "picking" my own dinner. Plus, if they brought the whole fish out, that would be the end of me!

Should I be bothered that boy cousins are "primos"? I hesitate to learn what girl cousins are ...

Doughboy was NOT pleased when Tim or I held James! But a couple of times when he walked past James, he'd give him a big lick, so I guess he thinks he's an OK baby.

seb + karen said...

To Bridget-
girl cousins are primas- of course when there's a mixed group ,it reverts back to primos.

Sounds like Doughboy is getting adjusted to life with a "sibling".